Dallas County Commisioner District 3     "Our Man Downtown"

Minority and Women Business Enterprises

Policy Statement

Dallas County is wholly committed to developing, establishing, maintaining, and enhancing minority involvement in the total procurement process. It is the policy of Dallas County to involve qualified minority/women-owned businesses to the greatest extent feasible in the County´s procurement of goods, equipment, services, and construction projects. The County, its contractors, their suppliers and subcontractors, and vendors of goods, equipment, services, and professional services shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap, or sex in the award and/or performance of contracts. However, competition and quality of work remains the ultimate “yardstick” in contractor, subcontractor, vendor, service, professional service, and supplier utilization. All vendors, suppliers, professionals, and contractors doing business or anticipating doing business with Dallas County shall support, encourage, and implement affirmative steps toward our common goal of establishing equal opportunity for all citizens of Dallas County.


To ensure the involvement of qualified M/WBE´s to the greatest extent feasible in the County´s procurement of goods, equipment, services, and construction projects.

The M/WBE Office further ensures that all vendors, suppliers, professionals, and contractors doing business or anticipating doing business with Dallas County shall support, encourage, and implement affirmative steps toward the program relative to any/all purchases.

Approval Date

Dallas County Commissioners Court by Court Order approved the M/WBE Program on August 25, 1986.


The purpose of the M/WBE Office is to:

Ensure the implementation of the County´s M/WBE Program as court ordered; and,

Implement a coordinated approach to involve qualified M/WBE businesses to the greatest extent feasible in the County´s procurement process.

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